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Is Under Counter Fridge Freezer The Greatest Thing There Ever Was?

 Under Counter Fridge Freezer You should consider an under counter refrigerator freezer if you wish to increase freezer storage without the need for any major work. These drawers for freezers are compact and can be placed beneath countertops for a built-in look, and some are ADA compliant. The technology of refrigeration has come a considerable distance, so you'll find undercounter options that have different storage configurations, styles, and finishes. Convenient Storage Undercounter fridge freezers offer the space to store chilled drinks, mixers and other food items that are cold. They can be used in a kitchen or entertainment space to serve guests, and could be a good option for a home gym in order to keep protein shakes and water ready for a post-workout recovery. Under counter refrigerators are available with solid doors and drawers. If you choose one with drawers, they are designed to open like the cabinet drawers used in kitchens. This makes it easy to buy frozen foods. They can be arranged by the type of food items. For example meats might be in one drawer while vegetables could be in another. Some refrigerators that are undercounter come with a temperature control feature that lets you create two separate zones to allow more flexibility. They are designed to be placed under the counter, which means they are able to blend into the style of any bar, kitchen, or patio. They're great additions to outdoor living spaces to keep snacks and beverages in the fridge, and they can be useful in small apartments or homes where there isn't enough space for a standard-sized freezer. Many undercounter refrigerators are equipped with technology that makes them more convenient to use. For example they could have small storage space for extra food items or a frost-free design to reduce maintenance time. There are even models that help you vary the temperature for different types of wine. You can find undercounter refrigerators and freezers that fit with any style of kitchen and you can also customize the look by choosing a panel-ready unit that can be custom-fitted to your cabinetry or countertop. Some manufacturers offer kits that simplify installation. Professional installation is also offered for those who aren't confident. Make sure you have the proper clearances for your fridge, and the space that is required on the countertop. Improper installation can result in damage or even void the warranty. You'll want to check whether you have an appropriate electrical outlet as some refrigerators that are undercounter require hardwiring. This can raise the cost of the unit. Convenient Access Unlike traditional full-sized freezers, which are typically located in basements or garages, under counter fridge freezers are a great way to have storage right at the bar or kitchen island area. This eliminates the need to make numerous trips back and forth to the garage or basement to get a cold drink, allowing you to stay focused on cooking or entertaining guests. american-style fridge freezers are also ADA-compliant, which makes them ideal for those who have disabilities or mobility issues. In terms of capacity, many undercounter refrigerators are rated at about the same size as refrigerator freezers that are full-sized. They can hold up to five to seven cubic feet of food or beverages however this amount could vary depending on the specific unit. Some undercounter refrigerators come with an ice cube maker to allow easy access to chilled water and frozen drinks. Other models have clever shelves for storage that keep things at their freshest and help you reduce waste. Also, undercounter fridges and freezers are usually energy efficient. They are smaller and come with an ice maker built-in that allows them to consume less energy than chest or upright models. Undercounter fridge freezers made of stainless steel are designed to blend seamlessly into your kitchen, irrespective of the design style or color scheme. They come in a variety of styles to match contemporary, modern traditional, classic, farmhouse, or other styles of design. You can find options that will match your dishwasher, stove and oven, creating uniformity throughout your home. Undercounter refrigerators are not only attractive, but also extremely durable. They are designed to last at least a decade, and certain brands like Sub-Zero have tested their appliances to last for up to 20 years. They also come with a 10-year manufacturer's guarantee in the event that something goes wrong. The convenience and functionality of freezers and refrigerators under counter makes them an excellent choice for kitchens of all sizes, these compact refrigerators can also be used in various other rooms in the home. You might want to consider adding one to your grilling bar or grilling station to keep ice and mixers in stock, or put one in your home office to have quick and easy access to snacks and drinks throughout long work sessions. Energy Efficiency In terms of energy efficiency, fridges that are under counter freezers are a huge benefit over chest or upright models. This is because their smaller size means they consume far less energy on an ongoing basis. Additionally, they typically operate at a lower temperature than larger appliances, and thus use less energy cooling food and drinks. Small freezers do not require a vent, which helps reduce their energy consumption. They can therefore be installed in tiny spaces where a big freezer would not be suitable. This is even if the area doesn't have a ventilation system. If you plan to install an under counter fridge-freezer within a small space, look for models with front-breathing technology. This design moves air intake and exhaust away the cabinet. They can be positioned within millimeters from walls and cabinets. These models come with a set of clearance guidelines that you can utilize to determine the size of your space. Unlike upright or chest freezers that can be three times larger undercounter fridge freezers are designed exclusively as a freezer so they're much more efficient than other freezers. This means lower utility bills for homeowners and more sustainable performance for companies that operate them. Counter-top freezers are a great option for homeowners who require more freezer space, but don't want to buy another appliance of the same size. These compact units are positioned under the counter and blend seamlessly into the space when matched with the right kitchen cabinetry. You can even find panels that can be seamlessly integrated into your kitchen's cabinetry and appear as a single piece of furniture. Small freezers can provide a a sleek and modern touch to any contemporary bar or kitchen. They're also great for parties, as they allow you to store mixers, ice, and chilled drinks conveniently at fingertips. A fully-stocked fridge under the counter will make any event more enjoyable, no matter if you're hosting the movie night, book group or cocktail event.

american-style fridge freezers